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Positive Approach To Behaviour Management
We will be having a Positive Approach to Behaviour Management Strategies Information Meeting For Preschool Parents (children aged 3-5 years) on Wednesday 10th November 5:30pm via Zoom. A positive approach to behaviour management: what it means Behaviour management is about guiding your child’s behaviour towards appropriate ways of behaving. A positive and constructive approach is the best way to guide your child’s behaviour. This means giving your child attention when they behave well, rather than punishing your child when they do something you don’t like. Children can behave in challenging ways at different stages and in particular situations. So trying to understand your child’s behaviour is an important step in encouraging positive behaviour. When you understand what’s behind your child’s behaviour, you can choose a strategy that’s well matched to the behaviour. And if you use positive behaviour management strategies at the same time as you nurture strong family relationships, you’re well on your way to helping your child learn about appropriate behaviour.
At Faith Faith Montessori Nursery operates according to our Equal Opportunities Policy and believe that it is important for all children to learn to behave in a caring and appropriate way, to enable them to develop socially and to increase their self-esteem. We believe that everyone has a right to be treated with respect, addressed correctly and politely and to be treated with equal concern. Most children will display signs of unacceptable behaviour from time to time. When this happens in the nursery it will be managed appropriately and according to the child’s understanding. Faith Montessori Nursery seeks to develop cooperative relationships between adults and children. Over the next few weeks we will be organising zoom meetings with some of our parents to discuss positive strategies that can be used at home and at the nursery. Please do not be alarmed if you get a call to organise a meeting, most children will display unacceptable behaviour from time to time. The meeting will be to ensure that we at the nursery and you (parents) agree strategies to implement at home and at the nursery so we are both doing the same. Please see the Nursery's Positive Behaviour Policy below for more information. Below is also a document about why we see challenging behaviour in children.